London adventure begins

So it's Day One (well kind of Day Two) of my adventure and I'm two hours from London - flying over Austria actually, though you wouldn't know for all the snow clouds. At 38000 ft, it's -62°C outside.

Highlights so far have been the 20Mb of free WiFi on each flight, exploited satisfactorily I might add, and the plane's outside cameras, genius idea thanks Emirates. Low light was definitely the flight attendant spilling juice all over me without realising (I do quite well enough at spilling food all by myself without needing assistance, thanks very much).

Watching three fighter jets flying past leaving a jet stream miles behind reminds me once again that I'm in Europe for reals and it's finally starting to all sink in. This world is a bunch bigger than lil old New Zealand. All of a sudden these places which have been map locations and Wikipedia pages are about to become real actual places with memories attached - here we go!


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